Case Name : Dy. Cit vs. Alok banerjee
Citation : [2008] 111 itd 339 (all.)
Court : Allahabad high court
Section : 147
Meaning : The word “and” used in section 147 does not mean that the two items of escaped income, i.E., The one on the basis of which the assessment was reopened and the other discovered during the course of reassessment proceedings, are conjoint or tagged together. It is only an enabling word empowering the assessing officer to consider for computation of income items discovered during the course of reassessment proceedings.
Case Name : Shree digvijay woollen mills ltd. Vs. Ito
Citation : [1988] 37 taxman 354 (ahd.-Trib.)
Court : Itat-ahmedabad
Section : 36
Meaning : The word ‘and’ in the conditions (a), (b) and (c) is to be read as ‘or’.