Meaning of “Any sum spent to collect the rent”

The meaning of any sum spent to collect the rent of the Income Tax Act is not defined in the act itself. But we can take guidance from decisions by various high courts. Here are excerpts of courts orders in which the Hon’ble High Court tried to explain the meaning of any sum spent to collect the rent.

meaning of any sum spent to collect the rent

Meaning of any sum spent to collect the rent defined by court

The phrase ‘any sum spent to collect the rent‘ of the Income Tax Act came up before Hon’ble ITAT-Delhi in Banwari Lal Anand vs. ITO [1997] 62 ITD 301 (Delhi – Trib.) and it explained.

Meaning: The words employed in the provision ‘any sum spent to collect the rent’ connote much wider meaning. These words really mean and should be understood to convey ‘any sum spent with an aim to collect the rent’.

In this article, you can get guidance from high courts on the meaning of any sum spent to collect the rent of the Income Tax Act.

Updated up to Finance Act 2021

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