The meaning of held under section 2(42A) of the Income Tax Act is not defined in the act itself. But we can take guidance from decisions by various high courts. Here are excerpts of courts orders in which the Hon’ble High Court tried to explain the meaning of held.

Meaning of held
The phrase “held” used in section 2(42A) of the Income Tax Act came up before various Tribunal as detailed under :
Hon’ble ITAT-Delhi explained the meaning of “meaning of held” while delivering judgment in H.L. Malhotra Vs. Asstt. Cit [2000] 113 taxman 178 (delhi – trib.) as under :
Meaning : The word ‘held’ in section 2(42a) includes physical, actual, constructive and also symbolic possession of a property.
Hon’ble ITAT-Delhi explained the meaning of “meaning of held” while delivering judgment in Madan Lal Wahi Vs. ITO [1983] 5 itd 533 (delhi – trib.) as under :
Meaning : In terms of the definition contained in section 2(42a) holding of the asset as a owner is not necessary. The word used there is merely ‘held’. The payment of property tax to the municipal corporation might clearly establish that the asset is held by the assessee for more than 5 years before its transfer.
However, the word ‘held’ cannot be taken to mean field as a registered owner.
Hon’ble Delhi High Course under section 2(14) explained the meaning of “meaning of held” while delivering judgment in Praveen Gupta Vs. Asstt. Cit [2011] 137 TTJ (delhi) 307 as under :
Meaning : The word ‘held’ used in section 2(14) as well as the explanation to section 48 clearly depict that assessee must have some right in the capital asset which is subject to transfer.
Section 2(42A) of Income Tax Act
2(42A) “short-term capital asset” means a capital asset held by an assessee for not more than thirty-six months immediately preceding the date of its transfer :
Provided that in the case of a security (other than a unit) listed in a recognized stock exchange in India or a unit of the Unit Trust of India established under the Unit Trust of India Act, 1963 (52 of 1963) or a unit of an equity oriented fund or a zero coupon bond, the provisions of this clause shall have effect as if for the words “thirty-six months”, the words “twelve months” had been substituted:
Provided further that in case of a share of a company (not being a share listed in a recognised stock exchange) or a unit of a Mutual Fund specified under clause (23D) of section 10, which is transferred during the period beginning on the 1st day of April, 2014 and ending on the 10th day of July, 2014, the provisions of this clause shall have effect as if for the words “thirty-six months”, the words “twelve months” had been substituted:
Provided also that in the case of a share of a company (not being a share listed in a recognised stock exchange in India), or an immovable property, being land or building or both, the provisions of this clause shall have effect as if for the words “thirty-six months”, the words “twenty-four months” had been substituted.
Explanation 1.—(i) In determining the period for which any capital asset is held by the assessee—
(a) in the case of a share held in a company in liquidation, there shall be excluded the period subsequent to the date on which the company goes into liquidation ;
(b) in the case of a capital asset which becomes the property of the assessee in the circumstances mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 49, there shall be included the period for which the asset was held by the previous owner referred to in the said section ;
(ba) in the case of a capital asset referred to in clause (via) of section 28, the period shall be reckoned from the date of its conversion or treatment;
(c) in the case of a capital asset being a share or shares in an Indian company, which becomes the property of the assessee in consideration of a transfer referred to in clause (vii) of section 47, there shall be included the period for which the share or shares in the amalgamating company were held by the assessee ;
(d) in the case of a capital asset, being a share or any other security (hereafter in this clause referred to as the financial asset) subscribed to by the assessee on the basis of his right to subscribe to such financial asset or subscribed to by the person in whose favour the assessee has renounced his right to subscribe to such financial asset, the period shall be reckoned from the date of allotment of such financial asset ;
(e) in the case of a capital asset, being the right to subscribe to any financial asset, which is renounced in favour of any other person, the period shall be reckoned from the date of the offer of such right by the company or institution, as the case may be, making such offer ;
(f) in the case of a capital asset, being a financial asset, allotted without any payment and on the basis of holding of any other financial asset, the period shall be reckoned from the date of the allotment of such financial asset ;
(g) in the case of a capital asset, being a share or shares in an Indian company, which becomes the property of the assessee in consideration of a demerger, there shall be included the period for which the share or shares held in the demerged company were held by the assessee ;
(h) in the case of a capital asset, being trading or clearing rights of a recognised stock exchange in India acquired by a person pursuant to demutualisation or corporatisation of the recognised stock exchange in India as referred to in clause (xiii) of section 47, there shall be included the period for which the person was a member of the recognised stock exchange in India immediately prior to such demutualisation or corporatisation;
(ha) in the case of a capital asset, being equity share or shares in a company allotted pursuant to demutualisation or corporatisation of a recognised stock exchange in India as referred to in clause (xiii) of section 47, there shall be included the period for which the person was a member of the recognised stock exchange in India immediately prior to such demutualisation or corporatisation;
(hb) in the case of a capital asset, being any specified security or sweat equity shares allotted or transferred, directly or indirectly, by the employer free of cost or at concessional rate to his employees (including former employee or employees), the period shall be reckoned from the date of allotment or transfer of such specified security or sweat equity shares;
(hc) in the case of a capital asset, being a unit of a business trust, allotted pursuant to transfer of share or shares as referred to in clause (xvii) of section 47, there shall be included the period for which the share or shares were held by the assessee;
(hd) in the case of a capital asset, being a unit or units, which becomes the property of the assessee in consideration of a transfer referred to in clause (xviii) of section 47, there shall be included the period for which the unit or units in the consolidating scheme of the mutual fund were held by the assessee;
(he) in the case of a capital asset, being share or shares of a company, which is acquired by the non-resident assessee on redemption of Global Depository Receipts referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 115AC held by such assessee, the period shall be reckoned from the date on which a request for such redemption was made;
(hf) in the case of a capital asset, being equity shares in a company, which becomes the property of the assessee in consideration of a transfer referred to in clause (xb) of section 47, there shall be included the period for which the preference shares were held by the assessee;
(hg) in the case of a capital asset, being a unit or units, which becomes the property of the assessee in consideration of a transfer referred to in clause (xix) of section 47, there shall be included the period for which the unit or units in the consolidating plan of a mutual fund scheme were held by the assessee;
14[(hh) in the case of a capital asset, being a unit or units in a segregated portfolio referred to in sub-section (2AG) of section 49, there shall be included the period for which the original unit or units in the main portfolio were held by the assessee;]
(ii) In respect of capital assets other than those mentioned in clause (i), the period for which any capital asset is held by the assessee shall be determined subject to any rules15 which the Board may make in this behalf.]
Explanation 2.—For the purposes of this clause, the expression “security” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (h) of section 2 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (42 of 1956).
Explanation 3.—For the purposes of this clause, the expressions “specified security” and “sweat equity shares” shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Explanation to clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section 115WB.
Explanation 4.—For the purposes of this clause, the expression “equity oriented fund” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (a) of the Explanation to section 112A;
Updated up to Finance Act 2021.