Filing of TDS statement is extra burden for buyer of property because whenever you buy property above RS 50 Lakhs , you are responsible for deduction of tax at source under Section 194IA of the Income Tax Act and filing Form 26QB that is an online statement-cum-Callahan . As on today , if any error crepts in filling details of buyer, seller, property being sold, sale consideration, tax deposit details etc. , there were no facility for correction of the error . Now, CPC-TDS has enabled functionality for online correction in form 26QB from 29/02/2016.
Now the buyer, whose PAN exists in Form 2608, can log in to and make the correction request for the following fields.
- Buyers & Sellers PAN
- Buyers and Sellers Address
- Property Details
- Date of Payment etc
- Date of Deduction of tax
Detailed Circular on Correction
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